Tuesday, July 8, 2014

The saying goes: “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”. With this having in mind, I, Fr. Ted (Teodoro) Magpayo, your incoming pastor, greet you all with a JOYFUL heart. Let’s go step-by-step gradually then.

In the next few months, you will see me in the parish and know about me in a gradual way.As a brief background, I was born in the Philippines in the province of Pampanga. I entered Catholic schools, in Elementary (Sacred Heart Academy), in High School (Don Bosco Academy) and in College (University of Santo Tomas) where I took a Medical Technology Course.

After that, I started Seminary Formation at Divine Word Seminary in Tagaytay City, Philippines. I was ordained a priest on December 9, 1989 and this year 2014 is my 25th year in the Priesthood.

Aside from the Priestly Ministry, I am also “in-love” and involved in MUSIC Ministry. It’s always inspiring to praise God in songs using primarily the very “vocal cords” he has given us aside from many musical instruments.

Before being incardinated in the Archdiocese of San Francisco this year, I belonged to a religious congregation, the Society of the Divine Word. I have been assigned as a missionary to Papua New Guinea (1991-1997) and in Maui, Hawaii (2000-2005).

In 2006-2010, I was assigned as Parochial Vicar at St. Bartholomew Church in San Mateo, where I gained friends from varied cultures, Irish, Italian, Chinese, Filipinos and others. I
always love the diversity of these coming together as one. Then, from 2010-2014, I was Vicar at Our Lady of Mercy Parish in Westlake, Daly City.

I belong to a small family, with two sisters (one resides in San Jose-Portia and the other is a contemplative nun in the Philippines-Sr. Joanna Marie), and both of my parents are already deceased.

And to end this brief introduction of myself (and many more still to come), I would like to thank Fr. Dan, my predecessor and his assistants, Fr. Theo and Fr. Te, and the parish staff, for the introduction and their warm welcome here at ST. BRENDAN CHURCH.

Fr. Ted