Monday, February 24, 2014

News Around the Parish

St. Brendan’s Got Talent – why see talent shows on TV when you can see them live here at St. Brendan’s?  The annual St. Brendan’s Talent show will be on this Thursday, February 27 @ 7pm in the Church Hall.  Do come early and see St. Brendan’s Got Talent!

Faith Sharing Book Club – Last year we started the faith sharing book club and it was wonderful. Besides reading inspiring and challenging faith stories, we also had the  opportunity to share with each other our thoughts and reflections.  It was wonderful for me to see how each of us struggles to live our faith authentically within the context of our lives.  The Book Club planning team this year explored the possibility of reading different books but came down unanimously on Pope Francis’ “Joy of the Gospel,” because we thought it would be a good way for us to get to know our new Pope, to get a sense of how he thinks and what’s important to him.  We’ll be having sign-ups this weekend and next.  We’ll have 3 sessions, Thursday mornings from 9:30-11am, Thursday evenings from 7:30-9pm, and Saturday mornings from 10-11:30am, beginning the week of March 9 and ending in 4 weeks on the week of March 30.  If none of these times work for you and you’d like to read the book yourself, we’ve ordered extra copies and they’ll be available at the sign-up table. But I encourage you, if you can, to join us in one of these sessions.  It’s only for 4 weeks and it’s a good way to share our own faith and to hear and learn from others.

Save these Dates – This year for Lent, we’ll be having 2 retreats for the Parish.  One is for married couples, on the evening of Thursday March 27 from 7-9pm, entitled Marriage on Fire, offered by the Archdiocese.  The guest speakers are Greg and Julie Alexander, who founded a ministry specifically for married couples.  Years ago, when they were on the brink of divorce, they approached their parish priest who challenged them to live their faith authentically.  In so doing, they found that by putting God first in their lives, God helped save their marriage and now they want to share their blessing with others. The 2nd Lenten Retreat for the Parish will be on Saturday, March 29 from 9am-2pm by Archbishop Emeritus George Niederauer on Pope Francis’ apostolic letter, “Joy of the Gospel.”  For those who haven’t had time to read the Pope’s book and even for those who have, this should be a stimulating topic as we reflect on how to live the gospel joyfully in our lives.  The challenge is true, even for me, as I get burdened by tasks, to remember to live the moment, live our faith, live our blessings joyfully so that we may be a blessing to others.

Fr. Dan

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

News Around the Parish

Fun at Ministry Fair – Last week’s Ministry Fair was a success.  The Church Hall decorated with balloons, played music that accompanied a slideshow, showed pictures of parishioners and activities that set a festive tone for the fair.  In the hall, food was served and tables were set up where each ministry was able to display their activities.  Coordinator of the Fair and Chair of the Parish Advisory Board, Mrs. Deirdre O’Bryan, commented on how impressed she was of the different ministries present and the commitment their members showed in their ministry.  The Ministry Fair, besides showing to the rest of the parish its many activities, also enabled many who serve in their particular ministries to know each other.  So often, when we serve in our individual ministry, we don’t see the work others do.  So this was a great opportunity for all who serve to see, admire and appreciate the efforts of others.  And many of the ministries reported that they had inquiries about their work and sign ups as well.  Inquirers were given a raffle ticket and those who signed up were given 5 tickets.  15 prizes in total were awarded to those who came.  Fun was had by all.  I want to thank those who attended the Ministry Fair, those who volunteered for something new, and the different volunteers who continue to serve in over 31 ministries of our parish.  Truly, you make us shine!

First Holy Communion – Our 2nd graders are preparing for their first Holy Communion this coming Saturday, February 22 at 10am.  They are learning their prayers and rehearsing for that special day.  Hold them in prayer, that this may be a special time of grace for them and their families.  May the celebration of their 1st Eucharist, draw them and their families closer to God and renew in them a greater desire to know, love and serve the Lord.  I’d like to thank their teachers Mrs. Sonia Ino and Mrs. Nina Warda for their work in preparing these children, and for their parents who bring and model the faith for their children.

Mother–Son Event – Last month, the Men’s Club hosted a Father-Daughter dance and this month, not to be outdone, the Mother’s Club will be hosting a Mother-Son event next Sunday, February 23 at 5pm in the Church Hall.  This proved so popular last year that the Church hall was filled to overflowing.  And I don’t suspect it’ll be any different this year.  I want to thank the Mother’s Club organizers for putting together such a heartwarming event, so that sons can do something together to bond with their mothers. 

Have a Happy Presidents’ Day Weekend!

Fr. Dan

Monday, February 10, 2014

News Around the Parish

Keeping the Lights On – if you’ve been around the parish a while, you’re probably familiar with some of the ministries around here.  But whether you’re new or old, you’ll probably be surprised that there are at least 31 ministries or activities going on in the parish.  The parish ministry booklet separates them into 6 different categories:

Parish Leadership
Ministry to Children and Youth
Religious Education and Sacramental Preparation
   for youth and adults
Parish Life
And Outreach

Helping me lead and serve this community are the Advisory Board and Finance Committee.  Serving the children and youth of our community are the Under 5 Ministry (for families with children under 5), Boy and Girl Scouts, Youth Ministry and Vacation Bible School.  Religious Education is an important component of our parish, and besides the ministry of the school, we have also Religious Education for children in public school as well as Ongoing Religious Education for Adults and those interested in becoming Catholics.  Our liturgies seem to go very smooth in this parish, thanks to a lot of people who work behind the scenes preparing so that when mass begins, everything is in place.  From Children’s Liturgy, to Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, Musicians, Sacristans and the work of the Liturgy Committee, everything runs smoothly because people took the time to organize and prepare. 

The vitality of our parish would be weak if it were not for the members of the Welcome & Hospitality Committees, Men’s & Mother’s Clubs, Respect Life, Knitting, Experienced Navigators and the Woman at the Well. They create and provide opportunities for the community to get together, socialize, fun-raise and fundraise for the good of the community.  And we’re aware that just as we’ve been blessed, we must return a blessing by helping those in need.  Our Outreach ministries are comprised of the Consolation Ministry, Detention Ministry, Marian Servers who reach out to the homebound and sick, and the St. Vincent de Paul ministry. 

I want to thank them for all that they do.  Together, they keep the Light of Faith burning and shining brightly at St. Brendan.  If you are at a stage in your life where you might be able to lend a hand, we invite you to come and consider one of these ministries.  No one can do everything, but we can each do a little.  And together, we’ll be able to accomplish a lot.  So I encourage you to thank those who are serving in these ministries, and if you’re able to offer your time and talent at this point of your life, ask them about what they do.  Together, we’ll make this little light of ours, shine brightly and give glory to God.

Fr. Dan

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Word Day for Consecrated Life – In 1997, Pope John Paul II instituted this day of prayer on the feast of the Presentation of the Lord for women and men in consecrated life.  Just as we have Mother’s Day or Father’s Day to honor our parents, this day honors our religious women and men who have responded to God’s call.  Pope John Paul wrote beautifully of the different forms of consecrated life as “the many branches which sinks its roots into the Gospel and brings forth abundant fruit in every season of the Church’s life.”  As Catholics, many of us have been touched by the ministry of a sister or priest.  Even without us being aware of it, nuns and monks in monasteries offer their lives in prayers for us each day.  For example, the communion bread that we receive at mass comes from the Sisters of the Monastery of Perpetual Adoration on 771 Ashbury Street, near the French School.  It’s their source of income for the ministry of prayer they offer for all of us.  So say a prayer for them too today, as you receive communion bread prepared by them.  And our own Canossian Sisters are an international group of women who strive to live out the gospel caring for brothers and sisters of every continent.  They strive to touch each person, especially those most in need, with the love of God and their motto is “To make Jesus known and loved.”  Fr. Theo’s own community, the Via Christi society is formed by both lay people and religious.  It is a group of baptized Christians who choose to be bonded together for the service of Christ and His Church.  And we’re certainly blessed by Fr. Theo’s presence in our midst, because as the number of religious vocations decrease, we would not have a replacement priest for Fr. Mike if Fr. Theo’s community did not send him here to San Francisco.  So on this day of Prayer for those in Consecrated Life, remember the Sisters, Brothers, Deacons and Priests who have blessed and enriched your life.  Ask God’s blessing upon them so that they may continue to be faithful and reflect His love and light to those whom they serve.  Pray too for future vocations, that young and old, we may always be open to God’s call and respond generously with our lives.

Special Mass for the Sick – On the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, Pope John Paul II in 1992 instituted the Word Day of the Sick.  This was chosen on the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, February 11, because many pilgrims and visitors there have reportedly been healed by the intercessions of the Blessed Virgin.  At St. Brendan’s, we’re planning to have a Mass for Healing on Sunday, February 16 at the 11:30am mass.  If you are in need of God’s healing grace or know someone who can use God’s special Sacrament for the Anointing of the Sick, please let them know to come and join us then.  Let us know too if you need a ride and we’ll look for someone to assist you.  And for whatever reason you are unable to join us then but would like to receive God’s special healing grace, give us a call at the rectory and one of the priests will come and pray and anoint you.

With prayers and blessings,
Fr. Dan