Confirmation Candidates – At this Sunday’s 9:30 AM Mass, our 8th graders are formally stating their intention before this community of faith to be Candidates for Confirmation. As such, they ask for your prayers to assist them in their journey of faith. As I get older, this Sacrament means more to me than ever. Yes, Baptism, Holy Communion, and Reconciliation are important sacraments. But Confirmation has taken a greater significance as I seek more and more the guidance and the wisdom of the Holy Spirit in my life.
I have realized that by myself, I cannot do all that God has called me to do. But relying on God’s grace and Spirit, He enables me to do more than I can ever imagine. So as our young men and women come prepared to receive this Sacrament, I pray earnestly that they will be open to God’s movement and Spirit in their lives, that they will be attentive and obedient to God’s promptings. In so doing, not only will they be partners with God to build a better world, but they will also experience the wonders that God has laid out for their lives. Yes, having the Holy Spirit in my life is a valuable gift I treasure nowadays. Join me in praying for them, that they may experience and value this beautiful gift of God’s self to them. Bishop Tom Daly, Auxiliary Bishop of San Jose, will be the Celebrant at their Confirmation Mass. Bishop Daly’s mother and family still attend Mass here and his niece will be among those being Confirmed this year. Confirmation will be celebrated here on Saturday, November 5, 2011 at 10: 00 AM. You are all welcome.
High School Youth Ministry - Our High School Youth ministry kickoff was last Sunday. About a dozen teens gathered at the 11:30 AM Mass and afterwards came over to the rectory for pizza and drinks. As the weather cooperated, they gathered in the rectory patio and shared their highs and lows of high school life. They were very happy to see each other again as they are all in different high schools now. They resolved to meet monthly on the 3rd Sunday of each month, starting with the late Mass (11:30 AM) and coming together afterwards in the rectory for discussions about teen life, service projects or other social activities. I want to thank George Gamarra for coordinating this get-together and ministry to our teens, and for his wife Elizabeth for coordinating the food. If you know any teen interested in high school youth ministry please share this news with them. We’re also looking for someone to partner with George to help facilitate youth ministry. Or if you’re interested to help with food or with rides, please contact me at 415-681-4225 x 220 or at
Archbishop’s Annual Appeal (AAA) – We’re trying to wrap up our AAA drive. We have less than 20% to go, which is less than $ 17,000. As you may recall, this money pays for chaplains in hospitals like Fr. Te Van Nguyen and Sr. Elizabeth Johnson, (both in residence here) continuing education for our teachers, marriage preparation for engaged couples, financial support for inner city schools and parishes, as well as prison
ministry. I want to thank you for your past support that has paid for my education and formation as a priest and if your finances allow you to support this collection again, know that I am most grateful. But if your finances are tight and you cannot support it this year, know that I understand. May I ask, in that case, for your prayers that the ministry of the Church in our Archdiocese fulfill all that God asks us to do.
Fr. Dan