Parade of Saints – On Sunday October 30, 2011 at the 11:30am Mass, about 20 saints will join us for Mass. These saints are 3rd graders dressed in costume in anticipation of Halloween. They will briefly introduce themselves to us and will march on, leading us to a reception down in our newly renovated hall. I want to thank Marie Detweiler, Mrs. Armanino, the Women at the Well and the 3rd grade students and parents for planning and making this event possible. As most of you know, the feast of All Saints will be on November 1st. The Mass times are: Vigil Mass 5pm, 6:30am, 7:30am, 8:30am (with the School), and 6pm. In addition, we will remember All Souls by celebrating a novena, at the regular weekday and Sunday Masses. On the 2nd Saturday of November, we will have a special Mass of Remembrance for all those in our parish who have died in the past year. Members of the Consolation Ministry have been in touch with families of the deceased to let them know that they and their beloved have not been forgotten. A special liturgy for their beloved departed will be celebrated on Saturday, November 12 at 10am. All are invited to attend any of these services.
State of the Parish and School Report – The Annual Finance Report has been published and is available at the entrances of the Church. This year, besides reporting on the financial status of the parish, we have
included a state of the parish and school as well. Although our financial health is always of concern to me, as we’ve experienced a decrease in collection from 14% during my first year here, to a decrease of 7% last year, however, I am grateful for those of you who have responded to an appeal for an increase in the collection. During the 1st quarter of last year, we noticed a drop of about $10,000 in our collection from the year before. As we had run a $40K deficit the year before, I had asked if you would consider adding 10% to your collection. Many of you did and helped us stabilize our financial picture. So thank you again for your generosity that helped us end the year with a $1,280 gain.
Remodeled Hall Grand Opening – The grand opening of the Hall happened last Sunday, just in time for the Mother’s Club Bake Sale. Completion of the kitchen and the annex will soon follow. A great big thanks goes to Bryan Birmingham for overseeing the project and putting in many many hours of loving labor into it. Architect, Peter Zepponi, and Interior Design Consultant, Bryn Brugioni, came up with the design after
getting input from members of the Building Committee chaired by Jim Ferry. Other parishioners who worked on the hall (by alphabetical order) were:
Will Bucoy, who worked on the Audio/Visual System
Adrian Duggan of Duggan’s Plumbing
Sean Ferry and Bill Kelly of SL Construction, who worked on the drywall and framing.
Greg Kelly of Beautiful Homes, who painted it
Matt McGuiness of Interior Design Services, Inc., who helped with the carpets and wood floors
Beth O’Leary of Jones-Campbell Co., who supplied us with the chairs and tables
Elliot Tamony of Premier Locksmith, who helped with the locks
To them, to the other members of the Building Committee, Tom Christian, Stephen Flannery, Maureen Hurley, Lisa Ikeda and Fr. Mike, we owe them a great big thanks for all the planning and work they put into it. And thank you for your ongoing support of the Capital Campaign. If you haven’t had a chance to contribute and would like to do so now, know that your gift will be greatly appreciated especially since we’ve had a loss of pledges from deaths, people moving away or financial hardships. Thank You!
Fr. Dan