Congratulations to our 2nd Graders – On Thursday, Nov 10, 2011 @ 6pm, our 2nd graders received First Reconciliation. Of the 7 Sacraments, 3 are for Initiation (Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation), 2 are for Service (Marriage and Holy Orders) and 2 are for Healing (Anointing of the Sick and Reconciliation). The Sacrament of Reconciliation is a wonderful encounter with the Lord who knows our strengths and weaknesses, and forgives us when we acknowledge our failures. Although there are critics who say that this sacrament is celebrated too early when we do it in the 2nd grade, because they ask what kind of sin could a 2nd grader get into? However, it is good to begin early to teach our children to recognize and to acknowledge their faults. So often in our society, the tendency is to blame other people and not accept responsibility for our own failures. This sacrament teaches us to examine our souls so that we can learn from our failures and grow from them. I want to thank Mrs. Sonia Ino and Mrs. Nina Warda for preparing our children for this Sacrament. And I also want to thank their parents for teaching them the way of Christ.
Annual Mass of Remembrance – I want to thank Sr. Catherine, Julie Modesti and members of the Consolation Ministry for organizing the Mass of Remembrance (Sat., 11/12 @ 10am) for the loved ones of those who’ve died in the past year. Although at every mass we pray for the dead, but it is a beautiful tradition of our Church to set aside, in the month of November, time to remember of our beloved departed. It is regrettable that in certain Christian traditions they don’t pray for the dead because it is their belief that after our beloved die, it is judgment, so no amount of prayer would help them after their death. However, in our Catholic tradition, believe in the communion of saints. We believe that those who die do not cease to care for us, just as we do not cease caring for them. They remain, for us, part of the body of Christ. And so just as we would pray for each other in this life, we can also pray for them and they for us. “Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord. And let perpetual life shine upon them. May they rest in peace. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.”
With prayers and blessings,
Fr. Dan