Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Happy Father’s Day – An anonymous writer tells the story of a child who was praying one night.  His father overheard his prayer that went something like this.  “Dear God, make me the kind of man my Daddy is.”  Later that night, the father prayed, “Dear God, make me the kind of man my son wants me to be.”  This simple story shows the high ideals many children have of their fathers yet the inadequacy many fathers feel for this awesome task.  Another quote says “Dad:  a son’s first hero, a daughter’s first love.”  Many fathers certainly want to live up to these ideals, yet being human, they’re also aware of their flaws.  Being a spiritual father, I can certainly commiserate with you over my own inadequacies.  I find hope, however, knowing that God will somehow make up for what I lack.  Fatherhood, even spiritual fatherhood, is not a one man job.  We need our Heavenly Father to help us become the man our children need us to be.  So on this Father’s Day, let us pray for all fathers and for each other:

“Heavenly Father, shower your blessings upon all fathers.  Grant them wisdom to guide their
children along right paths.  Grant them the strength to forgive when their children stray from those paths.  Grant them perseverance as they provide for the needs of their families.  May your love shelter them in times of need, and expand their capacity for wisdom, mercy and compassion.  You, who are Father of us all, hold all fathers in your warm and generous heart so that they too may reflect your love and kindness to others.  We ask this, through Christ our Lord.  Amen.”

Have a Restful Summer – How wonderful of God to give us the different seasons and especially for this Season of Summer.  School ended on Wednesday (6/11) and we’re officially on summer break.  Half of the priests were on retreat last week and the other half (myself included), will take some time off this week to reflect upon our work over the past year.  In early July, Fr. Theo will go back to visit his mom in Nigeria for a month.  She’s had some health issues and there was some violence near their home.  So it’ll be good for them to reconnect and visit with one another.  I was hoping to take some time off after the retreat, but unfortunately I will be packing instead.  Fr. Ted Magpayo, the new Pastor, is scheduled to arrive on July 1.  A couple of our school staff will also be retiring, Mrs. Maureen Laval, Staff Assistant, and Mrs. Marie Jean Longa, 3rd Grade Aide.  Mrs. Phyllis Ciment, Art Instructor and Mrs. Megan Rabbit, our PM Kindergarten teacher will also not be returning.  Mrs. Rabbit will be taking care of her 2 little ones.  Changes are coming, as they often do, nonetheless I wish you all a restful summer filled with memories you’ll make with your family and friends.

Wrapping up Capital Campaign – Over the Summer break, we’ll be finishing off the final Capital Campaign projects.  The 2 remaining projects are the Convent & School tiled roofs.  If you haven’t completed your pledge yet, may I ask if you could remember us as we’ll need your pledges to finish the projects?  We’ll also be doing some work in the Kindergarten area so that there’ll be room for 2 full day kindergarten classes.  Everything should be completed before school begins in late August.  Again, thanks for all your support that has made St. Brendan a bright attractive community both physically and spiritually.  May God be pleased with our efforts.

Fr. Dan