Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Word Day for Consecrated Life – In 1997, Pope John Paul II instituted this day of prayer on the feast of the Presentation of the Lord for women and men in consecrated life.  Just as we have Mother’s Day or Father’s Day to honor our parents, this day honors our religious women and men who have responded to God’s call.  Pope John Paul wrote beautifully of the different forms of consecrated life as “the many branches which sinks its roots into the Gospel and brings forth abundant fruit in every season of the Church’s life.”  As Catholics, many of us have been touched by the ministry of a sister or priest.  Even without us being aware of it, nuns and monks in monasteries offer their lives in prayers for us each day.  For example, the communion bread that we receive at mass comes from the Sisters of the Monastery of Perpetual Adoration on 771 Ashbury Street, near the French School.  It’s their source of income for the ministry of prayer they offer for all of us.  So say a prayer for them too today, as you receive communion bread prepared by them.  And our own Canossian Sisters are an international group of women who strive to live out the gospel caring for brothers and sisters of every continent.  They strive to touch each person, especially those most in need, with the love of God and their motto is “To make Jesus known and loved.”  Fr. Theo’s own community, the Via Christi society is formed by both lay people and religious.  It is a group of baptized Christians who choose to be bonded together for the service of Christ and His Church.  And we’re certainly blessed by Fr. Theo’s presence in our midst, because as the number of religious vocations decrease, we would not have a replacement priest for Fr. Mike if Fr. Theo’s community did not send him here to San Francisco.  So on this day of Prayer for those in Consecrated Life, remember the Sisters, Brothers, Deacons and Priests who have blessed and enriched your life.  Ask God’s blessing upon them so that they may continue to be faithful and reflect His love and light to those whom they serve.  Pray too for future vocations, that young and old, we may always be open to God’s call and respond generously with our lives.

Special Mass for the Sick – On the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, Pope John Paul II in 1992 instituted the Word Day of the Sick.  This was chosen on the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, February 11, because many pilgrims and visitors there have reportedly been healed by the intercessions of the Blessed Virgin.  At St. Brendan’s, we’re planning to have a Mass for Healing on Sunday, February 16 at the 11:30am mass.  If you are in need of God’s healing grace or know someone who can use God’s special Sacrament for the Anointing of the Sick, please let them know to come and join us then.  Let us know too if you need a ride and we’ll look for someone to assist you.  And for whatever reason you are unable to join us then but would like to receive God’s special healing grace, give us a call at the rectory and one of the priests will come and pray and anoint you.

With prayers and blessings,
Fr. Dan