Tuesday, February 18, 2014

News Around the Parish

Fun at Ministry Fair – Last week’s Ministry Fair was a success.  The Church Hall decorated with balloons, played music that accompanied a slideshow, showed pictures of parishioners and activities that set a festive tone for the fair.  In the hall, food was served and tables were set up where each ministry was able to display their activities.  Coordinator of the Fair and Chair of the Parish Advisory Board, Mrs. Deirdre O’Bryan, commented on how impressed she was of the different ministries present and the commitment their members showed in their ministry.  The Ministry Fair, besides showing to the rest of the parish its many activities, also enabled many who serve in their particular ministries to know each other.  So often, when we serve in our individual ministry, we don’t see the work others do.  So this was a great opportunity for all who serve to see, admire and appreciate the efforts of others.  And many of the ministries reported that they had inquiries about their work and sign ups as well.  Inquirers were given a raffle ticket and those who signed up were given 5 tickets.  15 prizes in total were awarded to those who came.  Fun was had by all.  I want to thank those who attended the Ministry Fair, those who volunteered for something new, and the different volunteers who continue to serve in over 31 ministries of our parish.  Truly, you make us shine!

First Holy Communion – Our 2nd graders are preparing for their first Holy Communion this coming Saturday, February 22 at 10am.  They are learning their prayers and rehearsing for that special day.  Hold them in prayer, that this may be a special time of grace for them and their families.  May the celebration of their 1st Eucharist, draw them and their families closer to God and renew in them a greater desire to know, love and serve the Lord.  I’d like to thank their teachers Mrs. Sonia Ino and Mrs. Nina Warda for their work in preparing these children, and for their parents who bring and model the faith for their children.

Mother–Son Event – Last month, the Men’s Club hosted a Father-Daughter dance and this month, not to be outdone, the Mother’s Club will be hosting a Mother-Son event next Sunday, February 23 at 5pm in the Church Hall.  This proved so popular last year that the Church hall was filled to overflowing.  And I don’t suspect it’ll be any different this year.  I want to thank the Mother’s Club organizers for putting together such a heartwarming event, so that sons can do something together to bond with their mothers. 

Have a Happy Presidents’ Day Weekend!

Fr. Dan