Music Director Leaving us – Our Music Director, Kristine Sinajon, who had taken a sabbatical break to discern the direction she wants to go in life, has announced that she plans to pursue secular music and is
resigning her position as Music Director. She shared that it is a little scary heading off in a new direction, as she had been doing Liturgical Music since the age of 12. However, while she is still young, she wants to explore that inner love she has for music. I can certainly understand her desire, because at about her age, I too resigned from my career with computers to explore the vocation to priesthood. I know that wherever she goes, the God who gifted her with music will be with her. It is my prayer that she will discover what God has prepared her from the beginning and flourish in it. In the meanwhile, Kristine has found some substitute musicians to help us in the immediate future. I will be discussing with our musicians the direction they would like to see the music program go in the future. I welcome your input.
Project Gabriel Sign Board – Earlier in the month, we received a note from the City’s Building Department to appear before them to explain why the Project Gabriel Sign in our parking lot was put up without a building permit. After clarifying with our attorney, although a bulletin board on Church property does not require a permit, but a sign does. Because of that, with the counsel from our Archdiocesan attorney and the Parish Advisory Board, I made the decision to take down the sign to comply with the law. In order to put it back up, we would need to apply for a permit from the Building Department. However, before we do that, I would like to know whether there is sufficient interest from our community to participate in Project Gabriel again. Apparently, in 2004, we joined this national Christian organization that aims to help women who have made the choice to keep their child, with material and emotional support. But because the number of requests for help was rare in this community, it was discontinued in 2009. So St. Brendan is currently not considered a member of Project Gabriel. However, if you and others are interested to participate in this organization again, please let me know and we can start it up again.
Volunteers Needed at the Rectory Office & Church – Might you have an hour or two to help occasionally in the parish office? From answering doors and phones, to filing, to helping out with our mailing, we cannot survive without volunteers. We also need help setting up before each mass and cleaning up. The work of Sacristans are invaluable because they not only help the priest prepare for each mass, but more importantly, they free the priest from logistical concerns so he can better prepare spiritually for mass. If you have time now in your life to assist us, please let me know. You not only make life easier for us, but you save us hours of labor and cost.
Fr. Dan
415-681-4225 x 220