Annual School Open House – Our school open house went exceedingly well again this year. Students were able to show off their work to their parents, family and friends. Prospective parents were also able to see our school at its finest. The 8th graders also videoed their dance moves and it was displayed at the Computer Lab. It’s true that “America’s Got Talent” because we can see it here in our own teens. Science projects were also displayed down at the parish hall so the community can see their bright minds at work. Four of our students who won at San Francisco’s Middle School Science Fair will go on to the Bay Area’s Science Fair in mid-March. They are 8th graders Aidan Callahan and Brian Kosewic, and 7th graders Ashley Mufarreh and Claire Del Prete. Congratulations and best of luck in the upcoming competition. I want to thank our Principal, Mrs. Carol Grewal, and her excellent faculty and staff for all their work in educating and inspiring the minds of our children. Truly, they have made our School a gem in this city.
Lenten Soup Supper with Spiritual Reflection – Last Wednesday night, those who came to the Soup Supper were greeted by 6 different types of soups prepared by members of the Welcome Committee and Women at the Well. From won-ton, to lentil, to minestrone, to potato with bacon, the soups were great. It warmed the hearts as much as the company gathered. Afterwards, Sr. Catherine and Bro. Dat presented a video to help us on our Lenten Spiritual Journey. Why were we created? What can our bodies teach us about God’s plan for our lives? The Spiritual Reflection this Lenten Season explores Pope John Paul II’s Theology of the Body. It has been rich and fascinating, as Pope John Paul uncovers the beauty of our human sexuality, which lies at the root of all families, communities and nations. We invite you to come and be nourished in body, mind, and soul. No reservations required. Simply come with your appetite for soup and for spiritual growth. Soup suppers are from 6-7pm and Spiritual Reflections are from 7-8pm in the Church Hall.
The Scrutinies – None of us, I believe, like to be scrutinized by someone else. However, the Scrutinies that we celebrate with those preparing for the Sacraments of Initiation into the Church are invitations for them to reflect more deeply about their lives. This process of self-searching and self-examination are not meant only for them, but for all of us, especially during this Season of Lent. They are meant to help us acknowledge our own sinfulness so that we might bring our faults before the Lord for healing and forgiveness. During the 3rd, 4th and 5th Sundays of Lent at the 9:30am Mass, we will be interceding for our candidates, Madeleine Conui, Kumiko Jovero, Nicholas Stevens, Jennifer Sullivan and Wesley Powell so that they do not have to make this journey alone. It is our expression of support in their interior journey of conversion. To help you remember them in your daily prayers, Sr. Rita has prepared a bookmark with their names. They are available at the entrances of the Church.
Fr. Dan