News Around the Parish
Construction is continuing at a good pace with “infrastructure” items being addressed . Some necessary demolition has been concluded so as to make room for replacement items such as flooring, etc. The parts that are now being addressed are the big items that we do not see but that are essential for our bringing our facilities up to date. They include plumbing, and electrical work that will improve the safety of the hall upon completion for us and for future generations…
The sisters have commenced their annual retreat and will be away for some days. When they come back,they will be holier than ever and a continued resource for us all… Please remember that there is a priest available for response 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for loved ones who desire anointing of the sick.
In addition, please inform the rectory at 681-4225, if a loved one desires Communion, Reconciliation and/or Anointing of the Sick. Please also provide names for those you wish us to include for prayers for the sick for Sunday Masses…
We continue to pray that Fr. Dan is enjoying a well-deserved and restful vacation!
This Sunday’s Gospel- Feeding of the 5,000
We have all heard of Jesus feeding the crowd of 5,000 men and others with the five barley loaves and two fishes. What is important to note is that the real crowd was many thousands more numerous than that - as women and children were also present. This allows us to reflect that God is willing to provide for the care of His people and does so generously. An aspect of this miracle that I would like to point out was that it was performed late in the day, meaning that if we have not been as attentive to the voice of God in our lives then it is never too late to address the nourishment of our souls. I believe that this miracle demonstrates the immensity of the compassion of our Lord, Jesus Christ. It is never to late to seek or imitate God’s compassion!
Jesus taught compassion without limit and even his apostles seem to have missed the mark as they advised Him of being short of money and of essentially advising Jesus through questions that since all of the places of provision for these hungry souls were closed, it was impossible. But nothing is impossible for Jesus for He is God.
We are called to have compassion for our fellow brothers and sisters as a key component of Christian love. Compassion is a characteristic attribute of God that is also a quality that is within our own nature to act upon. Compassion is that internal yearning of sympathy and concern for people with great needs. If allowed to grow within us, it is a deep emotion that cannot be shut down. Jesus teaches us by example that we are not
to walk away from people in great pain, or poverty, or desperate needs. In our daily lives, let us pray for an increased awareness of those who are in need and for the strength to respond to that need. It might be as simple as identifying a friend or acquaintance as one who would really appreciate a phone call from us and for others it might involve much more. Whatever the situation, may we include compassion for others as part of our Christian identity.
Fr. Mike