Update on Hall Renovation – Well, it certainly has been dusty the past few weeks in the Church. It is because the plans for the renovation included removing the staircase that leads into the annex so that the kitchen can be extended. However, the process was not as easy as it appeared on paper. We discovered why we have streets named Rockaway and Rockwood and why the staircase was put there in the first place. Underneath the staircase was all rock. And it took the workers with a jackhammer 3 weeks to remove it all and to strengthen the foundation on that little corner. So our heat in the Church has been turned off because of the dust and before we can turn it back on, we’ll need to have the vents cleaned. Else, we’ll be blowing dust all over the inside of the Church.
Down in the hall, the wooden panels along the walls and columns have been removed and it revealed on one of the covered walls, four (4) windows. At one point, before the Church was widened, these windows let in natural light. The current plan is to restore these windows and to use artificial light to enhance their appearance. The electrical wiring is being replaced and it is being wired to allow for a projector that can project a live video of the mass upstairs, or a football game, or a presentation from a computer. The orange carpet has been removed and will be replaced with tiles to maintain its “Mission” theme. The hardwood floor will be refinished. The kitchen will be remodeled with an added door that exits directly outside the building, so that caterers can come in and out of the kitchen through the handicap ramp, without having to disturb what is going on inside the hall. All this will hopefully be completed in early September. Thanks for your ongoing financial support and for putting up with the dust and cold during our summer (aka - our coldest winter).
Fr. Joe Peixotto’s 50th Anniversary – Fr. Joe was a member of our parish before he was ordained a priest of the CongrĂ©gation de Sainte-Croix (CSC), also known as the Congregation of the Holy Cross. His sister, Carol Kilgariff, and her husband Martin, are still parishioners here. On Saturday, July 9, 2011, he celebrated his Golden Anniversary here with his family and friends. Fr. Joe has been in Bangladesh for 49 years as a missionary priest and speaks Bengali fluently. As an engineering student in the University of Portland, he shared that when he was considering priesthood, he was not interested in doing administrative work. But as life unfolded, he became the Principal of Notre Dame College in their capital, Dhaka, which is regarded as the best institution for higher secondary education in the country. As he reflected on his life, he commented that his work certainly wasn’t easy with the many changes the country has gone through.
Bangladesh had at one time been East Pakistan but gained independence in 1971. Since independence, they have experienced famine, natural disasters, widespread poverty and military coups. Fortunately, democracy was restored in 1991 and there has been economic progress. So although his work as a missionary hasn’t been easy, but as he reflected on his vocation, he said that it has certainly been very meaningful. The following day on Sunday, he celebrated Mass with us and shared about the rich soil where his congregation ministered. At the end of Mass, as our community prayed for him and the people he served, he said something that struck me. He said the work he did was not his alone. It was our work. He was sent as a missionary from our community, our Church here at St. Brendan, our country, to plant the seed of faith there. So thank you , Fr. Joe , for doing such a good job in Bangladesh, on our behalf , and may God bless you with many many more years of fruitful service with our brothers and sisters there.
Vacation – As I was talking with our Parish Manager, Flora Sinajon, about my upcoming vacation, I was reminded that I have 4 weeks of unused vacation. Not wishing to see it go to waste, I will be using it while my brother and his family relocate back to San Francisco. My brother just retired from the Army after 23 years and with his wife, they plan to raise their children in San Francisco. I will be out of the office from July 18 until August 12. In the meanwhile, Fr. Mike is in charge and will have Fr. Jerry Van Overbeek to assist him. Fr. Jerry, a Chicago native who loves our fog, also plans to retire in San Francisco and with any luck, he will be able to live with us here at St. Brendan.
With prayers and blessings,
Fr. Dan