Parishioners Offer Reflection on the Last 7 Words of Jesus – Since the 16th century, reflecting on “The Last 7 Words of Christ” has been part of the Good Friday Liturgy. As Christ was on the cross from Noon to 3:00 pm, so our reflection began at noon with “The Last 7 Words.” Each parishioner offered a reflection on the Words of Christ in the context of their own lives. Merry Jean Chan Rees reflected on her mother’s forgiveness within the context of the 1st word, “Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.” Maureen Stoss reflected on her father’s strong faith as he neared death, in the 2nd word, “Today you will be with me in Paradise.” Zdenka Bodisco reflected on how the Blessed Mother helped them, as she struggled to deal with her mother’s failing health in the 3rd word, “Behold your Son, behold your Mother.” Al Cavagnaro shared a powerful story of his 20 year-old daughter’s death from a car accident, as he reflected on “My God, my God, why have you abandoned me.” Paul Detweiller reflected on the thirsts of his life in Jesus’ 5th word, “I thirst.” Damian Cistaro reflected on the attitude we should have in life. We are here to do God’s will, so we should live in such a way that when our time comes, we too can confidently say as Jesus said, “It is finished.” We have accomplished His will for us. And last but not least, Maureen Kosewic reflected on learning to let go, from when her son was ill, to her mother’s lost of independence. “Into your hands I commend my Spirit” is a beautiful act of faith and trust. As Jesus modeled for us how to trust God in the darkness of our lives, in their reflection, we heard the power of Jesus’ words at work in their lives. I’m grateful for their courage to share their faith with us.
Youth Reenact the Stations of the Cross – Thanks to Mr. Gus Del Puerto, he coordinated about 34 youth in the dramatization of the Stations of the Cross. To accommodate those who were unable to take time off during the day to participate in the Good Friday liturgies, the Stations were scheduled on Good Friday evening at 7:00 pm. A good number of people turned out and were touched by 7th grader, Ben Martin’s performance as Christ. The music that accompanied the stations was also beautifully played by Lauren Muffareh (8th grade), Jesse Schoepp (7th grade) and Ms. Kristine Sinajon. I want to thank the students who came out on their break to enrich our worship on Good Friday evening.
Ten Adults Become Catholics – At the Easter Vigil, Fr. Mike celebrated the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist with our new Catholics. The Easter Vigil is the time we wait in anticipation for the dawning of Easter. As Christ was crucified on Good Friday, darkness entered the land. So the service began in darkness, with only the light from our Easter candle to light our way. After the liturgy of the Word, Fr. Mike celebrated baptism and confirmation with our new Catholics. At the same Mass, they also celebrated First Holy Communion with our Lord. It was a beautiful evening as many of their families and friends came to join them on this special occasion. Sr. Rita and previous years’ baptismal candidates hosted the hospitality after Mass. I want to thank Sr. Rita, Sr. Catherine, their team and sponsors for helping to prepare these candidates. And I also want to thank the newly initiated themselves, for being a witness to us, that God continues to transform lives.
Happy Easter to all of you!!!
Fr. Dan