One Thousand Cranes for Japan – The last couple of Sundays, parishioners were invited to fold origami cranes for the people of Japan. Parishioner, Mrs. Maureen Kosewic, is the one organizing this project. She is working with someone stationed with the U.S. military in Japan, and what we contribute, will be joined by the efforts of others to make up a thousand cranes. An ancient Japanese legend promises that anyone who folds a thousand origami cranes will be granted a wish by a special mystical crane. It is a popular gift at weddings and they symbolize the wish that the couple will experience a thousand years of happiness and prosperity. And that is certainly our wish for our brothers and sisters there. This Sunday’s second collection for Catholic Relief Services (CRS), the U.S. Bishop’s international relief organization, will help them in their disaster recovery.
Congratulations to the New Pastor of St. Stephen – Fr. Paul Warren was officially installed as Pastor of St. Stephen’s last Sunday, April 3 at the 9:30am Mass. Auxiliary Bishop Robert McElroy celebrated the installation and during the Mass, said that he was very happy to install Fr. Paul because he knew him when he was his Associate Pastor at St. Gregory in San Mateo. The Bishop also mentioned that because they took turns preaching on Sundays, he enjoyed hearing Fr. Paul’s homilies. Many parishioners came to celebrate this special day as the Church was filled to capacity. Members of the different ministries of the parish led the entrance procession and the choir, made up of youth and adults, lifted our hearts with their songs of praise. The occasion was all the more special, as St. Stephen Church celebrated their 60th anniversary on that same day. Fr. Paul, in his homily, recalled as a youth his parents and other adults gathering to discuss plans for a new parish that would eventually become St. Stephen Church. He also spoke about the journey we were all making, the journey of life, and laughed about how we all, as kids, asked whether “we’re there yet?” He concluded, reminding us that the journey is equally as important as arriving at our destination. He said it is a blessing to be in this journey with the great and the small alike of St. Stephen’s parish. With Fr. Paul as their new Pastor, they will not be people without a loving shepherd. They are blessed and we wish them many, many more blessings in the years to come.
Palm Sunday (4/17) – A reminder: Next Saturday night’s vigil and Sunday morning Masses (except the 7am mass) will begin at the main entrance of the Church. If you are able, you are invited to gather outside the main entrance of the Church and to pick up a palm for the celebration of Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem. With that, we begin the journey into the holiest week of our Church calendar. Please see the Holy Week Schedule so you can join us in the saving works of our Lord and friend, Jesus Christ.
Fr. Dan