Monday, May 19, 2014

St. Brendan: Pray For Us

The joy of the resurrection fills the earth and invites us to share this good news with all our folks. Somehow, the events of the resurrection changed the direction of all those who witnessed it. The women who went to the tomb early on Sunday morning changed their destination and headed for where the Apostles were gathered; when the Apostles became part of the experience of the resurrection power, they headed straight for Galilee; not leaving out the disciples who had taken the painful whole-day journey to Emmaus who when they discovered the risen Lord in the breaking of the bread had to make a u-turn and head back to Jerusalem.

Over time, ages and centuries, humanity has continued to encounter the risen Lord in different circumstances beginning from the apostolic times to our day, and have also continued to respond to these encounters through a change in the direction of their lives.

The Apostles found themselves, some in Italia, some in Rome, others in Asia Minor, and still other in India and many other places including Jerusalem itself. Paul’s Encounter with the risen Lord changed not just his physical direction but also the direction of his life from being a fierce persecutor of Christians to ardent preacher of the good news, such that he would later say, “I preach Christ Crucified”.

In the coming week we shall celebrate the feast of our Patron whose encounter with the risen Lord changed his direction in life and navigated him to preach the good news of Christ to Islands. St. Brendan the Navigator was born in Ciarriaghe Luachra, near the present city of Tralee, County Kerry, Ireland, in 484 AD. After being ordained a priest in 512, St. Brendan built monastic cells at Ardfert, and at Shanakeel, at the foot of the Brandon hill. It was from here that he set out on his famous seven year voyage for the land of delight.

Some traditions have it that while celebrating mass on the ship, even the fishes would come to listen while others stories also postulate that St. Brendan’s seven year voyage got him to North America and would later inspire the Voyage of Christopher Columbus. St. Brendan is the patron of Navigators.

We too are on a voyage, a voyage of life and we need the gracious intercession of St. Brendan our Patron Saint to help us as we strive to reach God daily. The feast is on May 16th 2014 but shall have the normal weekday program, then on Sunday at the 8:00 mass, we shall a special graduation mass for our beloved children in 8th grade and at the 9:30 mass, we shall have a special mass of welcome for all our new parishioners.

May St. Brendan the Navigator pray for us.

Fr. Theo