Monday, March 17, 2014

News Around the Parish

Locals get Elected – Although this may sound like one of two of our parishioners were elected into public office, however, the term “Elected” is used by the Church to mean a person has been chosen by God.  It is also a status of a person preparing for initiation into the Church.  Because God has given us free will, we can choose to be in relationship with God or not.  Adults who are interested in the Church, begin in the first stage called the Inquiry stage, where they ask about what we teach and believe.  As they choose to continue in the journey of faith, we welcome them and they enter a 2nd stage called the Catechumenate stage.  A catechumen then is one who is receiving instruction (being catechized) about the faith.  If they choose to continue in this journey of faith, they go from being students to disciples.  In this 3rd stage, they are called to prepare themselves more deeply and spiritually for the sacraments of initiation.  Just as they have chosen to continue on, in this 3rd stage, God is also choosing them, thus they become the Elect of God, chosen by God.  At last Sunday’s 11:30am mass, their sponsors spoke about their readiness, and we prayed for them, and sent them forth to the Cathedral to meet with the Archbishop.  With catechumen from 52 parishes, the cathedral was full.  There were easily, over a thousand people at the Cathedral for the Rite of Election.  They inscribed their names in the book of Elect, which was then presented and acknowledged by Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone.  Our catechumens are now officially recognized as the Elect.  Not only have they chosen to be disciples of Christ, but it is Christ Himself who also chooses and Elects them to be His own.  Our Elect are:  Beverly Bloodworth, Ping Ping He, Lucia Marques, Susan Miller and Yano Rhee.  Please pray for them during this time of Lent, as they deepen their preparation for the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation & Eucharist) to be received at the Easter Vigil.

Bake Sale, Irish Celebration, Pancake Breakfast & Pinewood Derby – it was a fun full weekend at the parish last weekend, as the Mother’s Club began Saturday morning with a bake sale.  It was a great time to begin, because after each sports game over at the gym, players and their families would come by and support the bake sale.  This lasted into the evening.  At the evening mass, a few of the Irish dancers participated by leading the community in the prayers of the faithful and in the presentation of the gifts.  They naturally led the community down to the hall for an Irish celebration.  There was an Irish Soda Bread competition judged by our very own Irish Pastor, Fr. O’Danny Boy Nascimento.  And many of our local Irish Dancers performed to the delight of the crowd.  7th grader Fiona Van Zandt emceed behind the scenes and the dancers were 2nd graders Caroline & James McFadden, 4th graders Kathleen Ferry & Brianna O’Connor, 6th graders Shannon Ferry, Luke Kelly and Grace McFadden, 7th grader Jessica Tobin and 8th grader Paige McNamara-Pittler.  We had also a bag piper, 7th grader Mitchell Ambre, who filled us with a spirit of Ireland.  Not to be outdone, the following morning, the Men’s Club put on a Pancake breakfast to the delight of the parishioners following the 9:30am mass.  Smoke and flavors of the sausages being cooked filled the church during mass and great fun was had by all.  And if this was not enough for one weekend, the Boys Scouts also had a Pinewood Derby on Sunday afternoon.  It was truly a full and fun weekend at the parish.  I want to thank all the coordinators, the participants and their parents, as well as all the parishioners who supported these events that made them joyful and successful.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
Fr. Dan