Monday, February 10, 2014

News Around the Parish

Keeping the Lights On – if you’ve been around the parish a while, you’re probably familiar with some of the ministries around here.  But whether you’re new or old, you’ll probably be surprised that there are at least 31 ministries or activities going on in the parish.  The parish ministry booklet separates them into 6 different categories:

Parish Leadership
Ministry to Children and Youth
Religious Education and Sacramental Preparation
   for youth and adults
Parish Life
And Outreach

Helping me lead and serve this community are the Advisory Board and Finance Committee.  Serving the children and youth of our community are the Under 5 Ministry (for families with children under 5), Boy and Girl Scouts, Youth Ministry and Vacation Bible School.  Religious Education is an important component of our parish, and besides the ministry of the school, we have also Religious Education for children in public school as well as Ongoing Religious Education for Adults and those interested in becoming Catholics.  Our liturgies seem to go very smooth in this parish, thanks to a lot of people who work behind the scenes preparing so that when mass begins, everything is in place.  From Children’s Liturgy, to Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, Musicians, Sacristans and the work of the Liturgy Committee, everything runs smoothly because people took the time to organize and prepare. 

The vitality of our parish would be weak if it were not for the members of the Welcome & Hospitality Committees, Men’s & Mother’s Clubs, Respect Life, Knitting, Experienced Navigators and the Woman at the Well. They create and provide opportunities for the community to get together, socialize, fun-raise and fundraise for the good of the community.  And we’re aware that just as we’ve been blessed, we must return a blessing by helping those in need.  Our Outreach ministries are comprised of the Consolation Ministry, Detention Ministry, Marian Servers who reach out to the homebound and sick, and the St. Vincent de Paul ministry. 

I want to thank them for all that they do.  Together, they keep the Light of Faith burning and shining brightly at St. Brendan.  If you are at a stage in your life where you might be able to lend a hand, we invite you to come and consider one of these ministries.  No one can do everything, but we can each do a little.  And together, we’ll be able to accomplish a lot.  So I encourage you to thank those who are serving in these ministries, and if you’re able to offer your time and talent at this point of your life, ask them about what they do.  Together, we’ll make this little light of ours, shine brightly and give glory to God.

Fr. Dan