Saturday, May 21, 2011

May 22, 2011 - Fifth Sunday of Easter

Eighth Grade Graduation Mass – At this Sunday’s 9:30am Mass, we will be celebrating it with our 8th graders who will be graduating in 12 days, on June 3rd. How time flies? My oldest nephew is a year ahead of them, and I was surprised when he graduated. I can still recall the joy I felt when my brother told me they had their first child. How blessed we are to have such wonderful young men and women go through our school. Needless to say, they have been accepted to the finest high schools in the city, from Fr. Mike’s favorite, Riordan, to my Alma Mater, Lowell, to St. Ignatius, Convent, ICA and Sacred Heart. We need to acknowledge and congratulate their parents as well. Their talents, energies, sacrifices and hard work has not only blessed their own children, but they have been a blessing to our school and parish as well. Thank you! To our graduates, we know a wonderful future lays ahead for you, especially as you continue to follow the voice of the Good Shepherd in your life.

Our Fabulous Welcome Committee – For those of you who missed last Sunday’s 9:30am Mass, the Welcome Committee organized our semi-annual welcome for new parishioners that have registered at our parish since last November. At the Parish Dinner in November, we have a special invitation for new parishioners, and so 6 months later, on the eve of the feast of St. Brendan (May 16), we did another welcome. I want to thank the co-chairs Kathleen Darling and Jenny Nelson for planning this event, along with their members for all the work behind the scenes. They did the planning, the phone calls inviting the 20+ new parishioners, the design of the Welcome Booklet listing the Church’s history, the different organizations and their contacts, as well as an introduction to our patron saint, to making the copies available to our new parishioners and in the foyer of our church. Four new families were able to attend last Sunday’s 9:30am Mass, and they were invited to come forward to be recognized. They received 2 small gifts from the parish, the prayer of St. Brendan, and some seeds in the form of a cross. Our hope, of course, is that they will grow with us and make themselves comfortable in their new spiritual home.

Thanking and Praying for our Veterans – Next Monday, on Memorial Day (5/30), Archbishop George Niederauer will celebrate Mass at 11am, at the Holy Cross Cemetery in Colma, commemorating our nation’s honored dead, and for the souls of all of our faithful departed. This annual event is sponsored by Holy Cross cemetery. If you have a member in our Armed Forces, I invite you to join me that day as we pray for them. (My brother is in the Army). Please see for more information.

Fr. Dan