Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Message from the Parochial Vicar

Ice bucket Challenge
In the last few weeks there has been hype on the social media about the ice bucket challenge as a fund-raiser into a research for the cure and treatment of ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis). I have followed with keen interest the caliber of people who have carried out this challenge and have challenged others to it. These people include the high and mighty; the crème-de-la crème of our society, even celebrities, and this challenge has found itself outside the shore of America to other countries.

The most interesting thing is how this has spread so fast with 99.9% compliance. While this is praise-worthy and a show of commitment to charity for the “unknown sufferer”, it is capable of teaching us invaluable lessons as Christians to challenge one another to faith.

There is a seeming complacency when it comes to matters of faith these days among many Christians but I think we need to constantly challenge one another not with an ice bucket with the practices of faith like going to Sunday mass regularly, morning prayer, night prayer, saying the rosary, visiting the blessed sacrament,visiting the sick, weak and the broken, and all other forms of charity.

So I am throwing a faith challenge to you who is holding this bulletin in your hand right now and reading this article. Pray at least five decades of the rosary before the end of this week for a breakthrough in the ALS research and challenge your friends to do the same. Please don’t be afraid to challenge them even on social media. Remember the physicians do the treatment but the healing itself comes from Jesus who is the master healer. The researchers expend their energy seeking to know and find a cure but the knowledge and wisdom comes from Jesus who is the wisdom of God. Let us therefore join the rest of the world in contributing and praying for a breakthrough into the cure of ALS as we hold in our prayers all who are already suffering from ALS. Jesus speaks to them today and indeed all of us who suffer from incurable sicknesses and even curable ones, that we should surrender to His will and take up our crosses and come after him the source of true life that lasts for ever.

Back to School:
We welcome all our beloved kids back to school. School opened on August 27th and full activities have since began. As we welcome back our kids we also welcome back all the parents, the mother’s club and men’s club. We welcome especially the Principal and faculty and we pray that God will bless them bountifully in this new school year.

Back to Life:
With the reopening of the school the parish life has gone back to normal with most parishioners back from their summer holiday to join the many parishioners who were around. We are very happy to have all of you back safe and sound and we hope you had a nice time. Many of our students were excited to report to me that they attended masses while away on summer and that they carried out the recommendation of Fr. Dan. They said they went to the priests and told them that: (1) I am from St. Brendan (2) I am here to pray for you (3) and to pray with you. This is a clear indication of the fruits of faith.

May God keep our faith alive, AMEN.

Fr. Theo