Thursday, April 24, 2014

Renewing our Faith – Each year at Easter, Catholics from around the world have an opportunity to renew their baptismal faith.  We will affirm our belief in God the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and even in the catholic Church.  So this renewal is not just saying we believe in God, but we’re also renewing our belief, our belonging to Christ’s Church, the Church Christ founded, entrusted to Peter and the other apostles, to continue His work of teaching the faith and building God’s Kingdom on earth to succeeding generations.  But what does it mean to belong to a Church?  What are some expectations of an adult Christian?  Albert Winseman, in his research with the Gallup Poll, found that most churches never discussed this with their people.  It was just assumed that everyone knew.  Their research found that churches that were successful, had several things in common, which included a clear membership covenant, so that members knew what the life of a mature adult Christian should look like.  St. Brendan Parish Advisory Board discussed this question and came up with a draft that we would like to invite you to consider, discuss and offer feedback.  Below is our DRAFT:

Membership Covenant
As a member of St. Brendan I will strive to be an intentional disciple of Christ by:
Being open to growth and learning, such as:
reading and praying with the Bible to help me come to know the mind and heart of God
reading spiritual books to nourish the soul
attending retreats and workshops to help me grow in the faith
Being open to ongoing conversion (making regular and frequent use of the Sacrament of Reconciliation).
Praying daily
Talking to God about my life and listening to what He has to say to me.
Developing a relationship with God.
Praying for my church and fellow members regularly
Being faithful to God in little things.
Beginning with the basics such as observing the 10 commandments
Being present in worship on a regular basis
Supporting my church with my spiritual and financial gifts
Finding an area of ministry through which I can serve Christ and others

But the Church in turn also makes a covenant with her members.  The Advisory Board proposed the following DRAFT:

Church Covenant
As your Church family, we will strive to:
Provide opportunities for you to live your faith in service to others
Provide faith-building opportunities for you to grow as a Christian
Provide opportunities for you to develop deep and lasting friendships in community with others
Provide opportunities for lifelong learning as you deepen your understanding of the Bible and the Christian faith
Be good stewards of your financial contributions to your church

As you renew your faith in God and in His Church this Easter, what do you think of our proposal?  Let us know.  You can email me at  Happy Easter!

Fr. Dan