“Full of Grace” by Christine Watkins. We found this book heartwarming and hopeful, that God continues to be at work in miraculous and ordinary ways in our world.
“Rediscovering Catholicism.” We found this book inspirational as it helped us to relook at the faith, many of us might have taken for granted. It’s both a spiritual and an educational book.
I also recommend:
“Tattoos on the Heart,” by Fr. Peter Boyle. He works with teens involved with gangs down in LA. His warmth, humor and the lives he’s able to touch and change simply because he loves and accepts them from where they’re at, is a wonderful lesson of how to live out the gospel in our times.
“Catholicism” by Fr. Robert Barron is also another faith filled book for our times. Available also in video and shown on PBS, it revisits God’s love for humanity, his self-revelation and the Church he left behind.
For younger and older readers, Fr. Joseph Girzone wrote a series of “Joshua” books. In it, the author reimagines what it would be like, if Jesus returned and walked in our streets. How would he deal with the different faiths, inner city life, tensions in the Middle East, etc? Some “Joshua” titles are:
Joshua: A Parable for Today (1995) -Joshua in the Holy Land (1995)
Joshua and the City (1996)-Joshua in a Troubled World (2006)
For the serious reader, Pope Benedict invites Catholics in the Year of Faith to read the Catechism of the Catholic Church or the documents of Vatican II (they can be found on http://www.ewtn.com/library/COUNCILS/V2ALL.HTM). Last year we celebrated the 50th anniversary of the start of the 2nd Vatican Council. It brought about such a change in the Church, not just in how we celebrate Mass, but also in how we view the world, other faiths, Mother Mary and the Bible. It was quite revolutionary. Some of the documents of Vatican II include:
The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, 1963
Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, 1964
Decree on Ecumenism, 1964
Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World, 1965
Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation, 1965
Relevant books addressing current topics include:
“What is Marriage? Man and Woman: A Defense,” by Girgis, Anderson & George
“Getting the Marriage Conversation Right: a guide for effective Dialogue,” by May
What books have stretched your mind and lifted your soul? Share them with us. You can let me know by writing to me at frdan@stbrendanparish.org. Happy reading.
Fr. Dan