Happy 102nd Birthday! – How old is old? Some 1st and 2nd graders answered 30 is old. From a 50 year old, 30 of course, is not old at all. So whatever age you are and however old you feel, to Mrs. Maria Carson, who turned 102 on the feast of the Immaculate Conception (Dec 8), you are just a pup. Although advanced in years, Mrs. Carson is young at heart. She still sings at the 11:30am Sunday choir and is a Eucharistic Minister at that mass. Although she may be a little slow distributing communion, however, she has a deep love for Jesus and her blessing to the little ones is not a simple matter of fact blessing, but a deliberate blessing from one who has seen the ups and downs of life and yet has kept the faith. When I asked what wisdom she would like to share with us, she was quick to respond, “Stay close to Jesus. He will never let you down!” Her faith was deepened when as a teen, she and her family had to flee Mexico because of the government persecution of the Church. Her father had the same name as their local priest, and was mistakenly hunted down.
Starting her life here in her late teens, she is grateful for all the blessings God has given to her and her family, and all the opportunities she had as a new citizen. She continues to come faithfully every week, courtesy of Mr. Mike Casazza, who not only serves with St. Vincent de Paul, but brings communion to the homebound on Sunday and chauffeurs seniors unable to drive to Mass. God bless you Mrs. Carson, and God bless you Mike, for your kindness.
Thank you, Volunteers – An unknown author once wrote, “Volunteers are love in motion!”
Seeing it first hand, I’d have to agree. From serving and singing at mass, to preparing coffee and donuts, to teaching children, arranging flowers, washing linens, decorating the church, planning, organizing, counting, building, welcoming, visiting -- a host of angels turns this facility and buildings and spaces into a vibrant parish. In your name, they and their guest have been invited to a New Year’s Eve party with mass, beginning at 5pm, offered for them and their intentions, followed with dinner and prizes. Sherry Anderson wrote, “Volunteers don’t get paid, not because they are worthless, but because they are priceless.” And indeed they are. Thank you volunteers for what you do to make St. Brendan’s the living and vibrant parish that it is. You make us proud to be called a St. Brendan’s parishioner.
Quotes for the New Year
Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right. ~Oprah Winfrey
Be at War with your Vices, at Peace with your Neighbours, and let every New-Year find you a better Man. ~ Quoted in Benjamin Franklin's 1755 Poor Richard's Almanac, December
A happy New Year! Grant that I may bring no tear to any eye. When this New Year in time shall end, let it be said I've played the friend, have lived and loved and labored here, and made of it a happy year. ~ Edgar Guest
From the priests, sisters, and staff at St. Brendan’s
we wish you and your loved ones a Blessed New Year!
Fr. Dan