Wednesday, November 7, 2012

News Around the Parish

 New Archdiocese Ministry for Homicide Victims – Five homicides in San Francisco within a few days apart, prompted the Restorative Justice Program of the Archdiocese to begin a Victim’s Assistance Program.  Because of our work with San Dimas Community, visiting the teens in Juvenile Hall, Fr. Mike and I were asked to assist in this ministry.  So far, we’ve gone over to the site of the fallen victims to pray for them, their loved ones and their perpetrators.  Each life is precious.  And when a person’s life is so violently taken away, we wanted to do something to say that the person’s life is precious to God and to their loved ones.  We should not treat life so callously.  The first person we prayed for, Jose Escobar, was a teen that San Dimas Ministry had been in contact with when we first met him in Juvenile Hall.  After his release, he changed his life and began doing better in school.  Each killing robs a person and their loved ones of a future.  So we pray for them and their families and try to assist them with what they need.  For example, burial cost for another victim, Cesar Bermudez, was over $5,000 that the immigrant family is having difficulties meet.  On behalf of the family, the Archdiocese is inviting the community to assist them and this new Victim’s Assistance ministry. 

If you’d like to make a contribution, you can make a check to St. Brendan Church, with Victim’s Assistance in the memo line.  We will forward it to them.

 All Saints – Last Sunday, 11/4, at the 9:30am mass, the parish was blessed by special visitors.  About 20 third graders came dressed as saints and they reminded us that we belong to a communion of saints.  Among the saints, were St. Anne, St. Brigid, St. Clare, St. Elizabeth, St. Francis, St. George, St. Ignatius of Loyola, St. Joan of Arc and of course, Mother Mary.  As St. Theresa, the Little Flower, promised that she will spend her heaven doing good on earth, so we have the confident hope that the saints in heaven, along with our beloved departed, continue to intercede for us.  I want to thank the “Saints,their parents, Maria Detweiller, the Women at the Well, Dianne Marquez and the 9:30 choir for making this event possible.  Special thanks also to Paul and Beth O’Leary for providing the extra donuts needed at this mass.  Oh I want, to be in that number, oh when the Saints go marching in.

A Ministry of the Parish – as part of the Strategic Plan of the parish, the Parish Advisory Board have been discussing a ministry that all of us at St. Brendan can participate in, to live out our call by Jesus to discipleship.  We thought it would be important for our parish, not only to come together to worship and to learn about our faith, but also to live out our discipleship together.  This is a vibrant parish and there are many activities.  But many activities are inward focused that helps us and our children grow and blossom.  We were thinking, is there an activity that all of us, as children, teens and adults can do together that would fit in with our time, talents and abilities and that would also benefit our community?  Sr. Sharon Brannen has been meeting with St. Vincent de Paul, Catholic Charities, Habitat for Humanity and others to see how we, as a parish, can work together to serve a need in our community.  If you have any ideas or suggestions, don’t hesitate to share them with Sr. Sharon, Fr. Mike or me.


Fr. Dan