It’s Graduation Time – We’re approaching that time of the year when the efforts, sacrifices and struggles of our students will bear fruit. At this Sunday’s 8 a.m. mass, our 8th graders will celebrate their graduation mass with the Community of St. Brendan. This is done in gratitude for all the prayers and financial support you’ve given them and their families over these past 9 years. After mass, they will have a brunch with their parents and teachers at the Olympic Club. Besides having an extraordinary meal in an elegant setting, the students will also share with the Principal, priests, faculty and staff their reflection of the past 9 years. Then, each student stands and introduces their parents to those present, and express in their own words the gratitude they feel towards them. It is quite a moving experience. Their graduation will be on June 1st and Bishop Tom Daly, who celebrated Confirmation with this class, will be the guest speaker.
It’s Ordination Time – St. Patrick’s Seminary ended its academic year on May 11th. Men who have successfully completed their study will be ordained for their respective Dioceses. Three men have been
ordained for the Archdiocese of San Francisco on Saturday, May 19. Fr. Armando Gutierrez, 34, earned a degree at Cornell University and worked in affordable housing industry. He shared with Catholic San Francisco (CSF) that “one day, it dawned on him that he hadn’t asked God what His plans for him were – and as soon as the answer came, he was off to St. Patrick’s.” Fr. Jerome Murphy, 59, has 4 bachelor ’s degrees, an MA in history as well as a secondary education credential. He worked as a reserve deputy for San Mateo County, worked in the insurance industry, was a substitute teacher and headed the Safety Department at Stanford Medical Center. He was caregiver to both his parents and the day after his last parent died, he shared with CSF, “it just seemed clear as a bell… Go to the seminary.” Fr. Felix Lim, 42, earned a BA in economics and mathematics, a BS and a Masters in Finance, worked 8 years in investment management before entering the seminary. He credits his parents and the Legion of Mary for fostering his vocation. The Church of San Francisco is indeed blessed with these 3 new priests. Please hold them in your prayers as they begin their ministry to God’s people. And thank you for supporting the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal, which has paid for their Seminary studies.
Congratulations to our Mother’s Club Officers – Last Thursday, May 17, the Mothers’ Club installed new officers. The Mothers’ Club assists our School by raising funds to keep tuition low and to provide the latest in technology for our students. The incoming officers are: Mrs. Fiona Connolly, President, Mrs. Karen Pierotti, Vice-President, Mrs. Carolyn Dame, Secretary, Mrs. Jill Peterson Kaplan, Treasurer, Mrs. Rita Cenni, Auditor. The past President, Mrs. Colette O’Brien, is now the Parliamentarian. I want to express my gratitude to our departing officers, Mrs. Kim Fama and Mrs. Patricia O’Neill for their service to our parish and school. And to all the mothers who have contributed time, treasure and talent in various ways to our school to make it great, THANK YOU!
Fr. Dan
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