Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!
The Holy Week and Easter celebrations went so well because so many volunteers were willing to lend a hand. The Liturgy Committee made up of Sr. Catherine Cappello, Anne Kearney, Eileen Miller, Bro. Dat Nguyen & Fr. Mike Quinn helped plan these celebrations. At Holy Thursday’s celebration of the Lord’s Supper, we had 3 volunteers process in the Oils that were blessed by the Archbishop and the priests of the Archdiocese at the Chrism Mass. Eileen Miller, who volunteers as a RCIA team member, brought in the Oil for Catechumen that we use for those preparing for initiation into the Church. Dr. Brad Angeja, a physician, brought in the Oil for the Sick. 8th grader Sean O’Driscoll, who was recently Confirmed, brought in the Sacred Chrism.
In addition, 6 parishioners volunteered to have their feet washed. They were CJ Arenas, Bev Baptista, Gary Giabini, Joe Jovero, Lucille Kovash & Samantha Miller. But more than that, they in turn washed someone else’s feet. Each person who was washed, in turn stayed and washed someone else. It was truly beautiful to see. In one instance, a 2nd grader, John Francis Kosewic, whose foot was washed, stayed and washed the foot of an older gentleman, LTC. Walter Farrell (USAF, ret.), which is what Jesus meant when He said to “do this in memory of me.” He didn’t simply mean to celebrate the Eucharist, but to imitate His self-giving and service to one another. I’m grateful also for Dianne Marquez and the choir who enriched the Last Supper Celebration with their gift of music.
The Environment Committee also needs to be thanked. Pura Lippi, her sister Aurora and Ninh Lawhon helped decorate the hall downstairs, which we used that evening as the Altar of Repose. After Jesus had the Last Supper with his friends, he went to the garden of Gethsemane to pray. So the Blessed Sacrament was processed out of the Church and taken down to the lower hall where the faithful could “stay and pray” with Jesus. The Blessed Sacrament was not brought back into the tabernacle until the Easter Vigil.
On Good Friday, we were fortunate to have Bishop William Justice lead us in the Noon-3pm Meditation. We began with Stations of the Cross at noon, followed by a meditation and concluded with Liturgy and Veneration of the Cross. On Good Friday Evening, Sr. Catherine prepared a meditation on the Stations of the Cross for those who were unable to attend the earlier services.
On Saturday morning, the Environment Committee with a host of angels, helped transform the Church into a beautiful place to celebrate Easter. I’m grateful for all their hard work, as we were there from 9am until close to 2pm.
The Easter Vigil was also spectacular as we began in darkness. With lighted candles, we held vigil for the resurrection of our Lord. Kumiko Jovero, Nicholas Stevens & Jennifer Sullivan were baptized at that mass, Wesley Powell was welcomed into the Catholic Church, and Madeleine Conui received Confirmation (along with the others). I’m grateful to Sr. Rita Chen, the RCIA team and the Sponsors who helped prepare these candidates to become full members of our Church.
I’m grateful also to our Sacristan, Jaime Longa, to all the Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, Musicians and Altar Servers who volunteered to serve at these liturgies. And to the Under 5 Committee, thank you for organizing the Easter egg hunt following the 9:30am mass. To Wil Bucoy, I thank him for setting up Close Circuit TV (CCTV), so the overflow crowd could participate in the liturgy down in the hall. Approximately 30 people were able to make use of this technology. I regret not being able to mention everyone who helped, but what’s more important, is whether our names are written in the Book of Life. Nonetheless, know that I am grateful for your ministry that makes St. Brendan great.
Happy Easter!
Fr. Dan