Archbishop’s Annual Appeal (AAA) – We already had a drive for AAA at the beginning of the year. At that time, it was my attempt to do only one (1) drive that would meet our obligation of $118,500. Regrettably, we were not able to reach it all at once, but fortunately, we did raise 83% of it. Now, we have less than $20,000 to go.
For those of you who might not have had a chance to donate to this appeal,yet, might I ask you to consider donating to this worthwhile cause. As many of you know, this appeal assists with the running of the Archdiocese that one parish alone might not be able to do. For example, in the training of seminarians, the tuition is $14,649 per year, and another $12,862 for room and board. Since seminarians are full time students and are expected to be working in the parish part time the diocese pays for all their tuition, room and board. The Archdiocese currently has 20 seminarians so that figure alone is $ 550,220 per year. In addition, baby boomer priests are also retiring. Last year alone, ten (10) priests retired raising the total number of retired priests in our diocese to eighty (80). This is 1/3 of the total diocesan priests in the Archdiocese. Although many continue to live and serve in parishes, they may require assisted living when they are unable to care for themselves. The Archdiocese covers their costs, which as you know, can be as much as $3,000 - $6,000 a month, not counting medical expenses. Currently, twelve (12) priests are in Assisted Living facilities.
Another service the Archdiocese provides for parishes is property management. One valuable tool for pastors is a thorough evaluation of the facility and recommendations for improvements over the next 5 years. The report prioritizes areas that need attention and its expected cost, which is valuable in setting our yearly budget. Besides these, our teachers and priests receive ongoing education to help us meet the needs of a changing world. Over the summer, the Office of Youth Ministry had a training session for High School students to be youth leaders and this Sunday, October 9th, they are coordinating a High School Youth Ministry Mass at St. Anne’s Church. Last year, the Youth Mass at St. Anne’s, which normally sits 1,200, was packed. So, please consider giving to this appeal. It truly goes to serve the needs of the Archdiocese. If you like, you can match what Fr. Mike and I have each pledged, which was $375.
Installation of Advisory Board Members – The Advisory Board serves as your voice to give me feedback in planning the future of our parish. Members serve a 3-year term and are chosen from among the different age groups of our community. The outgoing members of the Board are Kevin Morrison (Chair), Kathy Hussain, Sylvia Muzzatti and Christopher Roach. Kevin, as Chair, was the first parishioner I met at St. Brendan. Even before I arrived, he contacted me and welcomed me. So I want to thank Kevin and the other members of the board in their service to the parish and to me. Mrs. Deidre Von Rock-Ricci has generously volunteered to serve as the new Chair. The current Board members are Al Cavagnaro, Gus Del Puerto, Jim Ferry, Marilyn Hawkins, Beth Powers and Maureen Stoss. The incoming Board members are Patrick Frasier, Molly Magnan0, Ann Marie Miller and Brian Stableford. I also want to thank them for their willingness to serve. They will be formally installed this Sunday, October 9th at the 11:30am mass. If you have any suggestions, concerns or comments, please feel free to communicate your thoughts to them so that they can bring it to the Board for discussion.
Fr. Dan